The open-air museums represent a special kind of museal display of the traditional way of life and culture reconstructed in historical, cultural and natural surroundings. In Slovakia are 10 open air museums, which are very important within the frame of european open-air museums. They shows sustainable way of life sucha s traditional methods of growing and processing crops, animal breeding and more techniques by processing natural products. They offer many visual objects for the education and learning.

Zuberec – Museum of Oravian village

Pribilina – Museum of Liptov village ( seat of Union of Slovak Open-ari Museums )

Bardejov – Museum of Folk architecture in Bardejov spa

Nová Bystrica – Museum of village of Kysuce

Svidník – Museum of ukraine culture

Banská Štiavnica – Mine Natural Museum

Martin – Museum of slovak village

Nitra – Slovak agriculture museum

Stará Ľubovna – Museum of Ľubovňa in nature below the castle

Humenné – Exposition of folk architecture and living




Weather in Bratislava